The FY22 GIF Annual Highlights Report demonstrates a steady demand for the GIF’s finance and project preparation support despite global uncertainties. Throughout its eight sections, the report underscores the GIF’s advancements as a mature global facility and highlights its FY22 operational activities, expected impacts, and partnership engagements.
Messages from the GIF Co-Chairs
A Growing Portfolio and Increasing Impact
In FY22, the GIF extended its support with $19 million in approved funding to 25 new project activities across 21 countries.
Since its inception in 2014, the GIF has approved 138 advisory activities in 62 countries and reached 16 commercial closings, of which 9 also reached financial close. Over $6.9 billion in private capital is expected to be mobilized. By bringing to market sustainable, quality infrastructure projects and expanding the market for private infrastructure finance, the GIF is mobilizing private capital and delivering infrastructure services to more people in emerging markets.