This provides a standardized gateway-style support to client governments in assessing the current state and quality of preparation of an infrastructure program or project intended for private investment.
This enables governments to design and define an infrastructure project or program intended for private investment (pre-feasibility level analysis and early financial structuring ) and plan for detailed preparation work.
This may include, but is not limited to, advisory support for the following:
Infrastructure program or project planning and investment prioritization; Financial planning and diversification strategy for state-owned enterprises, including credit ratings, corporate finance strategies, divestment, and more.
Pre-feasibility analysis -- including market, technical, environmental, and social, as well as climate-related issues. Legal, regulatory, and institutional assessment of reforms required to enable successful projects. Development and/or participation of long-term private capital in project financial structures. Detailed planning for project preparation and structuring activities. Cost-benefit and Value for Money analysis. Design and appraisal. Choice of procurement. Early market soundings.
This supports governments in the detailed preparation and structuring of an infrastructure project or program to bring investment opportunities to market. The scope of such support can be flexible and comprehensive and continues to commercial or financial close.
This may include, but is not limited to, advisory support for the following:
Project Preparation and Investment Feasibility Assessment
Detailed feasibility analysis, including market assessment, demand studies, technical feasibility, including engineering estimates studies, and geotechnical or resource assessments, tariff review, and environmental and social impact assessments.
Investment appraisal comprising an analysis of the financial and economic case for the proposed project to inform the government’s investment decision, including financial viability assessment and fiscal impact analysis, and economic appraisal. Detailed legal and regulatory due diligence and preparation of modifications as required to support the proposed project structure. PPP structuring, including risk allocation matrices, identifying and allocating risks and responsibilities, defining the proposed contractual structure, and assessing the commercial viability of that structure, including initial market sounding with potential investors.
Transaction Support to Commercial and Financial Close
Preparation and finalization of transaction documents. Implementation of legal and regulatory changes, as needed. Management of all aspects of the transaction process, including implementation of competitive procurement processes. Design and mobilization of a risk-sharing or credit enhancement package(s) to increase the attractiveness of private investors. Support to commercial or financial closing.